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Research & Education

NCIS Annual Research Meeting (NCAM)

NCIS Annual Research Meeting (NCAM)

NCIS Annual Research Meeting (NCAM) is hosted by the National University Cancer Institute, Singapore (NCIS) and co-organized by the Cancer Science Institute of Singapore (CSI), the NCIS Annual Research Meeting (NCAM) is a full-day program comprising educational sessions, oral and poster presentations of submitted abstracts, and award presentation for the best abstracts related to cancer research.

NCAM 2024

NCAM 2024 will be the 11th year we are holding this successful cancer conference at the National University Health System, Singapore. The theme for NCAM 2024 is ‘AI: From Hype to Practice Changing’. The previous NCAM 2023 had attracted more than 450 registrants and 100 over scientific abstracts. Participants came from a multitude of scientific fields – including Haematology Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Surgery, Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radiology, Nursing, and Pharmacy. This event will showcase excellent cancer research by our local investigators and provide an excellent platform for researchers working in different fields in cancer within NCIS and the NUHS campus to interact and develop new collaborations.

Mark your calendars! NCAM 2024 will be held from 12 August – 17 August 2024

  • Poster Presentations: 12 – 16 August 2024

  • Main Conference: Friday, 16 August 2024

  • Mini Symposium: Saturday, 17 August 2024

Abstract submissions have closed for NCAM 2024. 
We thank you for your interest and look forward to your participation to NCAM 2025. 
Contact our conference secretariat at Enquiries NCAM (NUH)

For registration to the NCAM mini symposium, please click here

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