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Research & Education

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract submissions have closed for NCAM 2024. 
We thank you for your interest and look forward to your participation to NCAM 2025. 
Contact our conference secretariat at Enquiries NCAM (NUH)

  • ​All abstract submissions are free. 
  • All abstracts are to be submitted via the online abstract submission form. You will receive a confirmation email that acknowledges the receipt of your abstract. You will also be assigned with an Abstract ID in the confirmation email. This ID will be required for the waiver of your Registration Fees when completing the Event Registration Form. 
  • All abstracts submitted must contain work related to Cancer Research but not restricted to the NCAM theme.
  • All abstracts are limited to 2000 characters (with spaces), excluding abstract title and authors' affiliations. 
  • Organise the abstract according to four sections, identified by the following headers: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. 
  • Tables are not allowed. 
  • List all individual authors for each abstract. 
  • Submit your authors' affiliations in the following sample format: 

Hui Xin Tan (1,2), 1 Department of Haematology-Oncology, National University Health System, 2 Cancer Science Institute of Singapore 

  • ​Authors must select one category that best fits their abstract. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to re-categorise an abstract. 
  • The submission categories are: 
    • Basic Science 
    • Translational Science 
    • Clinical Science 
      • Medical Oncology 
      • Surgical Oncology 
      • Radiation Oncology 
      • Malignant Haematology 
    • Nursing/ Paramedical/ Supportive Care
    • Digital Health/AI
    • Quality Improvement Project

  • First Author must attend NCIS Annual Research Meeting 2024 (NCAM) to present the abstract (this includes being present during the scheduled time of a poster or oral presentation session). 
  • First Author must register online for the meeting. 
  • Only the registration fees of the First Author of submitted abstracts, being accepted, and presented at NCAM will be waived. 
  • First Author must verify that all authors listed on the abstract are aware of and agree with the contents of the abstract. 
  • First Author must confirm that all co-authors agree to transfer copyright of the abstract to NCIS for online publication. 
  • Individuals may serve as First Author of more than one abstract. The same contact information and email address from the First Author must be used for each abstract. 

  • All abstracts will be reviewed for scientific merit by a Scientific Committee, which will decide whether the abstract will be selected for general poster or oral presentation for NCAM 2024.  
  • The outcome of each submitted abstracts will be notified to the First Author by email by end June 2024. 

Awards will be given to best oral and poster presentations for selected categories. 

The Scientific Committee will rate each poster and oral presentation. The award recipients will be announced during the Award Presentation Ceremony at NCAM 2024.