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NCIS Treatment Approach

NCIS Care Team

Our multidisciplinary care team of NCIS clinicians, with our nurses, allied health professionals and other healthcare experts work together, to provide a comprehensive yet personalised care treatment plan for each and every patient's condition.

​Haematology-Oncology Research Group
Haematology-Oncology Research Group

The Haematology-Oncology Research Group (HORG) is the research arm of NCIS. The HORG comprises of haematologists and oncologists committed to the research of cancers endemic to Asia, with a special interest in the development of novel drugs for cancer treatments, as well as to improve existing outcomes.

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Volunteer with the NCIS Dream Makers
NCIS Dream Makers

Our goal is to help our advanced cancer patients fulfill their dreams and give hope and encouragement towards their cancer journey. Join us as a volunteer, and help bring hope to our patients' lives by turning their dreams into reality!

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Give A Gift

Your generous contribution to the NCIS Cancer Fund will go a long way in making a difference to the lives of many. Your donations will go towards:
- Needy Patients
- Research
- Education & Training

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Research & Clinical Trials

Research & Clinical Trials

The Haematology-Oncology Research Group (HORG) is the research arm of the NCIS. The HORG comprises haematologists and oncologists committed to the research of cancers endemic to Asia, with a special interest in the development of novel drugs for cancer treatment as well as improve existing treatments.

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BCAM 2020 - #NCISPinkPlankers

It was time for breast health on 1 October 2020 when Minister for Sustainability and the Environment Ms Grace Fu joined us virtually on Zoom to do the 1-min Pink Plank Challenge, alongside our ambassadors - Minster of State, Ministry of Social and Family Development, Ministry of Education Ms Sun Xueling, MP for MacPherson SMC Ms Tin Pei Ling, MP for Jurong GRC Mr Xie Yao Quan, MP for Yio Chu Kang SMC Mr Yip Hon Weng and sports/lifestyle host & presenter Ms Kelly Latimer. Stay tuned for more photos and video on our Facebook where you can tag yourselves and your friends!

A big thank you to all who have joined us too, and as you help us spread the word about breast cancer, find out more about our NCIS Cancer Fund which supports our financially disadvantaged cancer patients or donate your gift here.

Special thanks to our community partner Senja-Cashew Community Club and volunteers from the  NUS SIGNapse for making this event a huge success!

Fighting COVID-19 as one #TeamNCIS
Fighting COVID-19 as one #TeamNCIS

Since the start of 2020, Covid-19 has cut a swathe across the globe, leaving a debilitating strain on healthcare systems worldwide. To manage the rising number of Covid-19 patients and to reduce ransmission risk, hospitals have implemented a slew of measures including postponing non-elective procedures, restricting the number of visitors, and mandatory temperature checks for all visitors and patients. Here are some photos that showcased TeamNCIS' resilience and efforts in keeping our cancer patients and staff safe during this difficult period.

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National University Health System
  • National University Hospital
  • Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
  • Alexandra Hospital
  • Jurong Community Hospital
  • National University Polyclinics
  • Jurong Medical Centre
  • National University Cancer Institute, Singapore
  • National University Heart Centre, Singapore
  • National University Centre for Oral Health, Singapore
  • NUHS Diagnostics
  • NUHS Pharmacy
  • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
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