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Our Services




The Department of Haematology-Oncology, comprising the Division of Medical Oncology and Division of Haematology is dedicated to deliver the best possible care by practising evidence-based and comprehensive oncology in a collegial atmosphere involving highly qualified specialists and oncology-trained nurses.

Cancer Genetics Clinic helps patients understand their risks of developing certain cancers based on their personal and family history. In addition, the Clinic provides counselling on the various measures to prevent cancer from developing.

Haematopoietic stem cell transplant (previously known as bone marrow transplant) is also offered by the Department as a treatment option for various types of blood disorders. Advances in this field have greatly improved treatment where patients can still receive successful cell transplants without suitable donors. This is made possible through the use of umbilical cord blood cells or by conditioning the cells from previously non-suitable donors so these can be used by the recipients.

What We Have To Offer